How To Market To Architects


How To Market To Architects: Tips To Live Up To Their High Standards

by Samantha Feller

The ability to market to all of your ideal customers—whether they be contractors, distributors, or architects—is crucial to the success of your building materials business. We want to give you some tips that will give you the upper hand in cornering the architectural market.

Part of the reason it’s so important to know your personas inside and out is because there are likely many differences between them. For example, contractors and architects both have extreme demands in the materials they use, but architects are frequently more demanding.

Marketing to architects requires more steps when it comes to understanding their mind frame and needs. They're always looking for value in the products they use.

However, since architects design houses, they expect much more of building materials suppliers. They need definitive proof your company can supply what they need when working on a strict schedule.

Unfortunately, far too many architects have to start looking for other suppliers because prior ones didn't live up to expectations. With this in mind, it's time to think seriously about how well you'll convey your building supply products on social media and your website.

Proving You're An Expert in Your Field

The first thing an architect is going to do to find building products they can trust is search out sites showcasing knowledge. They want educational material on what your products do, how well they work, and whether it can save them time and money.

A good first step in your architectural marketing is to set up an information hub on your site for architects to quickly study. When you give a quick rundown of your products and industry comparisons, you help architects make a more educated decision on what to buy.

When you provide this product information, make it mobile friendly so it can be found on any mobile device. Architects are always on the go and want to find building materials as fast as possible without having to search on their office computers.

Selling Solutions With Your Products

Architects want to see what solutions your products bring them. Outside of inviting them to an in-person trade show to see your materials demonstrated, it's not always practical to show every solution in real-time.

Some of your products only show their worth over time rather than immediately. It's here where videos can show how architects benefit using your supplies. Interactive 3D models help a lot in mimicking reality so your customers get a real-world view of results.

A before and after scenario lets architects see an interactive timetable on how your building supplies solve their most concerning problems.

Providing Case Studies

As further proof you're a leader in your industry, provide case studies to architects through marketing emails or directly on your website. You can also do this through customer testimonials on video or through printed quotes.

Having video testimonials with architects who've found your materials beneficial is a major way to convince anyone skeptical. Nevertheless, providing real case studies show how your materials stack up to competitors.

Start Conversations On Social Media

Architects might first visit your social media account when doing research. They may go there first because it ranks higher due to your constant posting of content and interactivity. So it is always best to stay active to give off a good first impression.

It's there where they may ask you questions about your building materials. Don't wait long to answer, because you can quickly prove your expertise when you answer immediately with a knowledgeable answer.

Following these tips will help to increase the amount of architects that come through your website. Make sure you are also prepared to keep nurturing them and follow up quickly to grow the relationship which will lead to them becoming long-term customers.

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